I'm writing this post on a smartphone app as we travel to Homecoming. For those of you considering robbing my home, you should know that I am 2-3 weeks ahead in my writing. (I'm assuming that we had an awesome time at Homecoming, despite the olive incident...)
Autocorrect is an awesome feature. Due to my Humpback of Notre Dame sized thumb and the QWERTY Genius who decided to put the U&I&O keys next to one another, I am often in need of autocorrect support. But, sometimes, the corrections are unfounded. The most common and unnecessary autocorrection for me? LOVE corrected to LIVE. I've sent the following messages to people: Live that, Live this, Live ya. My favorite to date? "I live your thoughts."
I live your thoughts. That line has some potential. Are we talking the strength of suggestion? Do as I say. My wish is your command. Or, are we referring to the influence of self talk? I'm not talking about the power of The Secret.
I remember several years ago waking up to my inner narrator (more like, my Inner Nag). She would say some pretty hurtful and untrue things about me. I would shake it off and move on with my day. Did this impact my day or bleed into my professional or personal life? According to the people closest to me, no. (Liars.) Still. It took up energy and time that I did not have to spare.
How about your Inner Narrator or Nag? What are your first thoughts about yourself when you wake up? Are they positive or destructive? We wouldn't tolerate anyone tearing us down or berating someone close to us. We wouldn't accept someone we love beating themselves up. Why would we do it to ourselves?
It's time to turn on our own autocorrects and be kind to ourselves. O, U&I need to stick together.
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