Sunday, November 3, 2013


Halloween is my ultimate holiday.  We had a Halloween themed wedding, a pumpkin of mints sits on my workspace all yearlong, and we don't take our decorations down until after Thanksgiving.   We have a zombie in our yard who stays until the snow starts to fall.  

I am a Hard Core Halloweenite.  Why?

I can remember celebrating Halloween with my cousin Maxine as a little girl.  Maxine was forty years my senior.  She would dress me up and take me trick-or-treating.  But it was the Santa experience I remember best.

*****Spoliers- shouldn't be read by those working on their Christmas lists!******

Once upon a time, Maxine took me to the mall to see Santa.  I was VERY young.  I believe the story goes we waited in line and, when I saw him... I screamed my face off.

On another once upon a time, Maxine borrowed a Santa suit complete with wig, beard- whole nine years from a coworker.  She dressed up as Santa, bit by bit, in front of me.   Complete with facial hair.

And...I screamed my face off again.

This story has been told to me over the years.  I do remember two things: screaming at the final transformation and calming down when I saw her eyes.

I knew her eyes.

I think that was when I learned you can tell a lot about someone by their eyes.  People can cover up with clothing, makeup, and beards.  They can modify facial expressions.  But, unless you're using contacts, you can't change your eyes.

Enjoy the Season of HallowThankChanukaMas and be sure to be on the lookout for leftover Zombies, Santa's helpers, and people who hide their eyes from you.  (PS.  Pirates RRRRRRRRR exempt!)

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